Description: This spinoff of the original TENCHI MUYO anime series centers around Tenchi’s nephew Seina Yamada, a clumsy ne’er-do-well who can’t seem to get anything right–he falls down stairs, crashes his bike, and almost gets crushed by a giant spaceship! Seina feels like things might change when he mistakenly gains entrance to the prestigious Galaxy Police Academy, but will his luck be any better in outer space? This third volume of episodes chronicling Seina’s comic adventures as an intergalactic police cadet includes “A Stormy Voyage,” “Baptism,” and “First Paychecks.”
Condition: Good condition and function as it should, but may have superficial surface scratches. Please see photos as it is part of item description. I try to be more critical than the buyer would be. However, please keep in mind that “pre-owned” is not new, so please do not expect it to be brand new unless it is listed as such.
Special Photo Note: Colors maybe Lighter or Darker depending on your monitor, some photos have been lightened to show details of items.
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